
(brkn~) Broken Headsets (3 - 2) (1 - 1)

Previous Active Roster
As of 6/1/2021

Valid Size: 0/10

Team Size: 10/14

Status: Ready

  Name Joined
Sunnyy 4/5/2021
Brandon_411 4/5/2021
Morgoth714 4/5/2021
Nick? 4/6/2021
Grunty 4/24/2021
effex 4/6/2021
Rachel quinn 4/6/2021
caban 4/6/2021
gecks 4/24/2021
spoo_ 4/24/2021

Past Roster

  Name Joined Left
jry 4/6/2021 4/9/2021

Team Penalties

Team has no penalties

Past Seasons

Team does not have past seasons

TeamId: 8324