
(HP) Heresy Patrol (1 - 4)

Previous Active Roster
As of 5/18/2021

Valid Size: 0/13

Team Size: 13/14

Status: Ready

  Name Joined
rageheavy 3/26/2021
j4ckman 3/26/2021
Snake 3/26/2021
L L G 3/27/2021
asdasf123321 3/27/2021
that bulldozer guy 3/27/2021
Morbidly_Obese_Dog 3/27/2021
gorp 3/28/2021
Irwin 4/18/2021
Analog Glock 5/2/2021
CABACS 3/27/2021
jag engi 3/27/2021
Doug 5/10/2021



Past Roster

  Name Joined Left
saucy jack 3/28/2021 4/2/2021
Uegh 4/2/2021 4/7/2021
[Wario] Timheid 4/2/2021 4/7/2021

Team Penalties

Team has no penalties

Past Seasons

Team does not have past seasons

TeamId: 8302