
(AMI) Amocitia 2 Pepega (4 - 3) (2 - 1)

Previous Active Roster
As of 4/24/2019

Valid Size: 0/11

Team Size: 11/12

Status: Ready

  Name Joined
.Swagger_ 2/14/2019
Retro_ 2/15/2019
AlpacaLord 2/15/2019
NotSoGentle 2/16/2019
emi 2/16/2019
0mger 1/22/2019
Faust 1/23/2019
BaaBo 2/27/2019
maLboro 3/29/2019
Salty 1/27/2019
PlantGenius 3/21/2019

Past Roster

  Name Joined Left
Fluvisol 2/15/2019 3/10/2019
Luna 3/10/2019 3/17/2019
WheatPig 1/23/2019 3/21/2019
fishska 3/17/2019 3/29/2019
derdan 1/22/2019 4/16/2019

Team Penalties

Team has no penalties

Past Seasons

Team does not have past seasons

TeamId: 3473