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Please report your match score

HL Season 4 Bronze Match

Match Date
12/09/2019 09:30 PM EST
Default Date
12/09/2019 09:30 PM EST
Latest Reschedule Date
12/13/2019 09:30 PM EST

Home 3.00
Away 0.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Aad Admin
 12/03/2019 05:51 PM EST
Welcome to RGL HL Season 4. This week will be a three map series where picks and bans will be completed through match comms. You have until Saturday night to have your picks and bans done, if you fail to pick/ban your maps in time the other team may be allowed to pick for you. The configs for playoffs will be "exec rgl_hl_koth" for KOTH maps (best of 5) and "exec rgl_hl_stopwatch" for stopwatch maps (best of 3, unless both teams agree to do a best of 1).

The pick/ban order will be as follows:

Away Ban
Home Ban
Home Pick
Away Pick
Away Ban
Home Pick

Maps are: Product, Lakeside, Ashville, Upward, Swiftwater, Steel, and Vigil

Lastly, please make sure you inform the enemy team of all ringers (including default ringers) you plan to use either through match comms or in a direct message. If you wish to contest the default allowance of a ringer, please contact an admin on Discord, so that they may decide whether the ringer is too experienced. Refer to the ringer sections here for more information.

Good luck and have fun this week, please let your division admin or moderator know if you have any questions!

Aad Admin
 12/03/2019 05:54 PM EST
Please note that Pick/Bans are due on Saturday @ 9:30PM EST. Avoid stalling the process until the final day and get your Pick/Bans done in a timely manner, good luck!

Emperor Prince - WetCardBoard
 12/05/2019 08:46 PM EST
Ban Product

zonemaster95 - Pans And Bricks
 12/05/2019 08:49 PM EST
We ban Lakeside and pick Upward

Emperor Prince - WetCardBoard
 12/05/2019 08:51 PM EST
Pick Swiftwater

Emperor Prince - WetCardBoard
 12/05/2019 08:51 PM EST
Ban Vigil

zonemaster95 - Pans And Bricks
 12/05/2019 08:53 PM EST
We pick Steel

zonemaster95 - Pans And Bricks
 12/05/2019 08:53 PM EST
For the payload maps we would like to do best of 3 please

Emperor Prince - WetCardBoard
 12/05/2019 08:55 PM EST
best of 3

zonemaster95 - Pans And Bricks
 12/09/2019 07:03 PM EST
We need a engi ringer for the match tonight

Ringer 1# rico

zonemaster95 - Pans And Bricks
 12/09/2019 07:28 PM EST

Emperor Prince - WetCardBoard
 12/09/2019 08:42 PM EST
no to Rico

Emperor Prince - WetCardBoard
 12/09/2019 08:42 PM EST
hes in main

Emperor Prince - WetCardBoard
 12/09/2019 08:42 PM EST
Yes to lYnn

zonemaster95 - Pans And Bricks
 12/09/2019 09:14 PM EST
Let's have a good game

zonemaster95 Auto Generated - Pans And Bricks
 12/09/2019 11:04 PM EST
Match score submitted.
Final score
Pans And Bricks: 3.0
WetCardBoard: 0.0

Map Results
Pans And Bricks: 2
WetCardBoard: 0

Pans And Bricks: 2
WetCardBoard: 0