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Please report your match score

HL Season 4 Seeding Match

Match Date
11/21/2019 09:30 PM EST
Default Date
11/22/2019 08:30 PM EST
Latest Reschedule Date
11/22/2019 01:00 AM EST

Home 0.66
Away 2.34

Match Comms


Last Comment:
exa Admin
 11/20/2019 02:34 AM EST
Welcome to RGL HL Season 4. This match will determine the seeding of your two teams because they are tied in Match Points, Win/Loss, have not played a head-to-head match, and have the same amount of acquired penalties. You will play one half of koth_product_rcx. A half ends when one team wins two rounds. The config will be exec rgl_hl_koth.

Please make sure you inform the enemy team of all ringers (including default ringers) you plan to use either through match comms or in a direct message. If you wish to contest the default allowance of a ringer, please contact an admin on Discord, so that they may decide whether the ringer is too experienced. Refer to the ringer sections here for more information.

Please let your division admin or moderator know if you have any questions!

wi1debeast - cats are epic
 11/20/2019 11:56 AM EST
we would like to ring a previous member of our team for our last match, http://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198088171353 the player was approved via discord DMs prior to posting this.

Swish - Flippin Out
 11/20/2019 12:06 PM EST
Just an FYI Discord DMs have no affect on approval in match comms. They do not correlate.

However, we approve this ringer.

exa Admin
 11/20/2019 02:36 PM EST
The match date has been set to 11/21/2019 09:30 PM EST

Swish - Flippin Out
 11/21/2019 01:00 AM EST

wi1debeast - cats are epic
 11/21/2019 09:05 AM EST
Ringer approved

Swish Auto Generated - Flippin Out
 11/21/2019 09:51 PM EST
Match score submitted.
Final score
cats are epic: 0.66
Flippin Out: 2.34

Map Results
cats are epic: 2
Flippin Out: 4