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- Rosters lock for Adv, Main, IM, AM, and NC in on July 7th @ 11:59PM EDT!

Please report your match score

HL Season 3 Playoffs 2

Match Date
07/29/2019 09:30 PM EDT
Default Date
07/29/2019 09:30 PM EDT
Latest Reschedule Date
08/04/2019 08:00 PM EDT

Home 1.78
Away 1.22

Match Comms


Last Comment:
exa Admin
 07/23/2019 06:31 PM EDT
Welcome to Round 2 of the Season 3 RGL HL Playoffs. This week will be a three map series where picks and bans will be completed through match comms. You have until Saturday night to have your picks and bans done, if you fail to pick/ban your maps in time the other team may be allowed to pick for you. Please coordinate with an admin, and the other team leader to make certain the process is done correctly, and timely.

The pick/ban order will be as follows:

Away Ban
Home Ban
Home Pick
Away Pick
Away Ban
Home Pick

Maps are: Product, Cascade, Ashville, Upward, Swiftwater, Steel, and Vigil

The configs for playoffs will be rgl_hl_koth5 for KOTH maps, and the normal rgl_hl_stopwatch for STOPWATCH maps. Please make sure the server you play on has the uber saving plugin, this is both of the teams responsibility. If you have any questions please let an admin know.

Stopwatch is played BO3 and Koth is played first to three rounds. You are home on the map you pick which means if you picked the first map you can choose the side for the first half. Then for the second half you switch sides, the third half if necessary is the other team's pick.

razor - unknown death 2002
 07/23/2019 08:51 PM EDT
ban steel

 07/27/2019 03:17 PM EDT
We pick product, we ban Vigil

razor - unknown death 2002
 07/27/2019 09:13 PM EDT
pick upward, ban swiftwater

 07/27/2019 10:13 PM EDT
Pick cascade

razor - unknown death 2002
 07/29/2019 06:18 PM EDT

 07/29/2019 08:14 PM EDT
plays main, ringer denied
possible engy open ringer

solly ringer, is low-mid IM and off classing(might not need him)

Possible heavy ringer, is open highlander

razor - unknown death 2002
 07/29/2019 08:48 PM EDT
Heavy and Engie ringer accepted, Soldier ringer denied.

Pyro Ringer: http://hl.rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198165770364

Heavy Ringer: http://sixes.rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198072344194

could possibly be more ringers coming, but might as well put in the first batch now

razor - unknown death 2002
 07/29/2019 08:54 PM EDT

 07/29/2019 09:04 PM EDT
All new ringers accepted.

razor - unknown death 2002
 07/29/2019 09:14 PM EDT
Alright sounds good, post connect info whenever you're ready

 07/29/2019 09:26 PM EDT

razor - unknown death 2002
 07/29/2019 09:26 PM EDT
ringer undenied, lucki accepted

 07/29/2019 09:31 PM EDT
connect dorothy.serveme.tf:27035; password payloadisfun
server connect

Sergeant Southwest Salad Auto Generated - The Croutons
 07/29/2019 11:50 PM EDT
Match score submitted. Final score
The Croutons: 1.78
unknown death 2002:1.22