Please report your match score

HL Exp #2 Vigil

Match Date
04/20/2019 08:30 PM EDT
Default Date
04/20/2019 08:30 PM EDT
Latest Reschedule Date
04/26/2019 12:00 AM EDT

Home 3.00
Away 0.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
exa Admin
 04/19/2019 10:59 PM EDT
Because of a team dying at the end of week one, there are now an odd number of Open teams. Because of this you are going to have a bye week this week, this means there will be no match for you. You will be awarded 3 full match points at the end of week 2 and will not have another bye week in this cup.

exa Admin
 04/23/2019 08:08 PM EDT
The match has been forfeited in favor of Tilt Breakers.