Interested in helping out RGL and being a part of the staff team? Open staff positions and applications for SUMMER 2024 can be viewed here. The 6s Staff team is looking for someone interested in joining as an admin or moderator!

- Rosters lock on June 30th @ 11:59 PM EDT! ~

Sixes S15 Invite Week 1B

Match Date
05/23/2024 10:30 PM EDT
Default Date
05/23/2024 10:30 PM EDT

Home 0

Match Comms


Last Comment: 13 days 4 hours ago
yogrrt Admin
 05/20/2024 10:27 PM EDT
Welcome to Invite Week 1B of RGL Invite 6s Season 15!

The regular season will consist of a double round-robin tournament, best of 1 map per match, with teams playing against each other a total of 2 times over the course of 7 weeks. The last date to play any regular season match will be Friday, July 5th 2024.

Map vetos will be done using the system built into this match page. Please message yogrrt or open a support ticket if there's an issue with it. Refer to [3003.2] for more explanation. The format is: Home Ban | Home Ban | Home Ban | Away Ban | Away Ban | Away Ban | Home Pick

Pick/Bans should be completed 36 hours before the intended match time. To claim the 1st veto after this point you are required to open a support ticket.

Season 15 Map Pool:
Configs/Console commands to be used in RGL Invite official matches:
You will be using the Progressive Ruleset for all matches.
  • rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro.cfg
  • rgl_6s_koth_pro.cfg

Demos & Logs
All players must follow mandatory POV demo recording guidelines as detailed here in the Demo Requests FAQ.

STV Demos must be uploaded to and posted to these Match Comms by the team who hosted the match server within 72 hours after the match ends. Failure to do so will see penalties for the hosting team. All corresponding logs must be posted to these Match Comms when you submit final match scores. Failure to do so will see penalties for both teams.

Please remember that match comms are publicly visible and connect info should not be posted in them. It is the responsibility of the hosting team to make sure that the correct configs have been used.

Please reach out to your Division Admin (yogrrt) if you ever have any questions!

DolphiN Admin
 05/21/2024 09:40 PM EDT
RGL will be casting this match - teams will need to follow rules set in [1010] Match Casts:
- Teams are expected to ready up within 20 minutes of match times to avoid tardiness penalties.
- Map changes, execing the off config, or anything disrupting STV coverage is not allowed.
- Player names must be aliased to be recognizable as your RGL alias.
- Any rescheduling must be agreed to and communicated to production more than 12 hours before match time.
- Players must set a 3-minute stream delay if streaming.

Please coordinate with production by contacting me on Discord: rglgg

Grape Juice - GlobalClan Ice
 05/22/2024 12:22 AM EDT
will be played at a later date

cap - Like A G6
 06/17/2024 04:10 PM EDT
we will double header gci on 6/18 starting at 10:30 EST

Grape Juice - GlobalClan Ice
 06/18/2024 12:00 AM EDT

Grape Juice AUTO GENERATED - GlobalClan Ice
 06/18/2024 10:11 PM EDT
Final Pick/Ban Results
[05/20/2024 10:27 PM EDT] GlobalClan Ice - BANNED - koth_bagel_rc8
[05/20/2024 10:27 PM EDT] GlobalClan Ice - BANNED - cp_gullywash_f9
[05/20/2024 10:27 PM EDT] GlobalClan Ice - BANNED - cp_granary_pro_rc8
[05/20/2024 10:27 PM EDT] Like A G6 - BANNED - cp_snakewater_final1
[05/20/2024 10:27 PM EDT] Like A G6 - BANNED - cp_sultry_b8a
[05/20/2024 10:27 PM EDT] Like A G6 - BANNED - cp_sunshine
[06/18/2024 10:11 PM EDT] GlobalClan Ice - PICKED - cp_process_f12

Grape Juice Auto Generated - GlobalClan Ice
 06/18/2024 11:28 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
GlobalClan Ice: 0.0
Like A G6: 3.0

Map Results
GlobalClan Ice: 0
Like A G6: 5

Grape Juice - GlobalClan Ice
 06/18/2024 11:50 PM EDT

i put this in the metalworks one by accident