4v4 PASS Time Cup #1 Playoffs Round 1

Match Date
08/13/2023 02:00 PM EDT
Default Date
08/13/2023 02:00 PM EDT

Home 0.00
Away 3.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Garbo Admin
 08/13/2023 01:19 AM EDT
Welcome to the 4v4 PASS Time Cup playoffs!

For playoffs, you will be playing these maps in order:

1. pass_arena2_b7
2. pass_stadium_b30
3. pass_stonework_a19

You will also be playing to a first to 3 rounds, or a best of 5 on each map.

The config used for this Match will be rgl_pt_push.cfg.

If you have further questions or need a server to play on, please reach out on discord!

Kitt(eh) - Ghee's Nuts
 08/13/2023 01:30 PM EDT

Pumpkin - Bandit Buddies
 08/13/2023 01:31 PM EDT

Kitt(eh) Auto Generated - Ghee's Nuts
 08/13/2023 02:37 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
Ghee's Nuts: 0.0
Bandit Buddies: 3.0

Map Results
Ghee's Nuts: 0
Bandit Buddies: 3

Ghee's Nuts: 0
Bandit Buddies: 3