4v4 PASS Time Cup #1 Group Stage Round 3

Match Date
08/12/2023 04:00 PM EDT
Default Date
08/12/2023 04:00 PM EDT

Home 0.50
Away 2.50

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Garbo Admin
 08/11/2023 02:58 AM EDT
Welcome to the 4v4 PASS Time Cup!

This round you will be playing pass_arena2_b7.

You will be playing to a first to 3 rounds, or a best of 5.

Before starting the Match, follow this console command sequence to configure the server correctly after all 8 players are in-server:

1. Copy/Paste the RCON provided by your chosen server or server rental into console.
2. rcon exec rgl_pt_push.cfg
3. rcon changelevel pass_arena2_b7
4. rcon exec rgl_pt_push.cfg

If you have further questions or need a server to play on, please reach out on discord!

Danmar33 - Catboy Baseball
 08/12/2023 04:04 PM EDT

Jurgles - Shanghoop Sharks
 08/12/2023 04:05 PM EDT
i approve player

Jurgles Auto Generated - Shanghoop Sharks
 08/12/2023 04:29 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
Catboy Baseball: 0.50
Shanghoop Sharks: 2.50

Map Results
Catboy Baseball: 1
Shanghoop Sharks: 3