NA Chucklenuts Cup #1 - Hosted by RGL Group Stage Round 4 - koth_bagel_rc6

Match Date
06/17/2023 05:00 PM EDT
Default Date
06/17/2023 05:00 PM EDT

Home 0
Away 4

Match Comms


Last Comment:
 06/17/2023 05:34 PM EDT


Welcome to Round 4 of the Chucklenuts (No Restriction Sixes) Cup - Hosted by RGL!


This Round you will be playing: koth_bagel_rc6


Before starting this Match and after all 12 players are in-server, follow this sequence to configure the server correctly:
    1. Copy/Paste the entire RCON string provided by your chosen server or server rental into console. (e.g. rcon_address; rcon_password "Password123")
    2. Copy/Paste the string rcon exec rgl_mm_koth.cfg into your console.
    3. Copy/Paste the string rcon changelevel koth_bagel_rc6 into your console. The map will reload!
    4. Copy/Paste the string rcon exec rgl_mm_koth.cfg into your console once the map reloads.
Ensure completion of the above before Readying Up in-game to begin this Match!

Explanation of the KoTH Ruleset

This is a KoTH map and you will be using the King of the Hill Ruleset.
KoTH Matches are played as the first to score 4 Rounds Won (or as a Best of 7 series). There is no timelimit. Multiple "halves" will likely be played. Play as many as required until one team scores 4 Rounds Won total between all halves.
Execute in console winlimit_# if you reach a total of 4 Rounds Won in the middle of a given half. (# = the number of Rounds required to equal 4 Rounds Won total minus what you've already won in past halves. (i.e. You have played two halves in full with scores of (2-1) & (1-2). In a third half your team scores a round bringing the half's score to (1-0). This totals the map's score to (4-3) with your team winning. # should equal 1 in this example.
Please remember that connect info should not be posted here.
Instead, message connect info to your opponents directly! Find their Discord userID via their RGL Profile Page.

Report Your Scores

Using the Report Scores button on this Match Page, select the # of Rounds (aka Halves) won by both teams.

Logs and Demo Recording

Please post below all logs for this Match. Sign-in at Logs.TF to find them!
All players must follow mandatory POV demo recording guidelines: Demo Requests FAQ.
To setup automatic POV demo recording please follow the guide linked in the above FAQ to install P-REC.
P-REC automates your demo recordings! Simply downloaded P-REC (from --> here), install, and you will automatically start recording a POV demo once a Match begins (i.e. when mp_tournament 1 enables after both teams Ready Up and a game begins) and stop recording once a Match ends. No other input is required!
Please reach out for help in the RGL Discord by opening a #support-ticket and selecting the CUP reaction. A Cup Admin will be able to assist you best there!

kawaii Auto Generated - Blood Clotters
 06/17/2023 06:28 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
Blood Clotters: 0.0
The Milmy Men: 3.0

Map Results
Blood Clotters: 0
The Milmy Men: 4