Please report your match score

HL Exp #1 pl_millstone_v2

Match Date
12/16/2018 09:00 PM EST
Default Date
12/16/2018 09:00 PM EST
Latest Reschedule Date
12/17/2018 11:59 PM EST

Home 3.00
Away 0.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
rain Admin
 12/15/2018 01:39 AM EST
Welcome to Group Stage Round 3 of the Experimental HL Cup! This match will be on pl_millstone_v2.

Millstone will be played best of 3.

Please make sure you exec the right config for Millstone (stopwatch). The config is rgl_HL_stopwatch.

If you need assistance, please contact your division admin wax#1090 or division helper Constantly#9508.

Rawk Hawk Auto Generated - Zombieland Saga
 12/16/2018 09:06 PM EST
Match score submitted. Final score
Zombieland Saga: 3
Basket of Kittens:0

Rawk Hawk - Zombieland Saga
 12/16/2018 09:06 PM EST
Other team forfeited

Rawk Hawk - Zombieland Saga
 12/16/2018 09:06 PM EST
thymeToday at 9:05 PM
i guess not
like 5 people r missing
sorry dude :/
Rawk HawkToday at 9:05 PM