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Please report your match score

HL Season 11 koth_product_final

Match Date
03/11/2022 09:30 PM EST
Default Date
03/07/2022 09:30 PM EST
Latest Reschedule Date
03/11/2022 11:59 PM EST

Home 3.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
 03/05/2022 08:09 PM EST
Welcome to RGL HL Season 11. The map played this week will be {map}. The config you will want to use for your match will be "exec rgl_hl_koth". For scrims, you can use "rgl_hl_koth_bo5", which sets the winlimit to 3. This match will be played in a best of seven, so the first team to win four rounds will win the match. If there are disputes between teams on starting sides(RED vs. BLU), then teams may opt-in to engage in a medic melee-only fight.

It is both team's responsibility to make sure the server you play on has the latest configs and plugins in order to avoid issues. Serveme and Qixalite always have the latest configs and plugins.

Please use this space to record any ringers as per 1009.4 - Ringers. Match comms are the official record of any communication between teams in disputes.

Good luck and have fun this week, please open a ticket in Discord if you have any questions!

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 05:55 PM EST
we would like to ring the following player: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198154116714&r=24

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 08:30 PM EST

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 08:34 PM EST
we deny the soli ringer

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 08:35 PM EST
Default ringer approved/acknowledged.

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 08:41 PM EST

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 08:50 PM EST

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 08:51 PM EST

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 08:58 PM EST
We accept all of your ringers.

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 10:23 PM EST
We have been ready to play for over 50 minutes. You have not RUPed that entire time.

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 10:32 PM EST
We would like to request that 'Stuck in Ninja's Basement' forfeit the match.
- Server not working (They are the home team & are providing the server), the item server was broken so we couldn't play.
~ 30+ minutes past game time before even attempted to fix.
- Attempted to reschedule match multiple times, no valid reason given as to why they won't reschedule.
~ They have multiple subs, and could get ringers but won't reschedule.
~ No valid reasons given for why can't reschedule.
(When asked why can't they reschedule, responded with "can you blame us for not wanting to do that"?)

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 10:36 PM EST
According to RGL Ruling 1008.3, "To reschedule a match, both teams must agree to a new time. If the teams cannot agree on a new time, then they will play at the default match time for their division." It was fully within our right to not accept the reschedule. The Item Server issue is not controlled by the Game Server and is an issue on Valve's end OR the Client's end.

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 10:42 PM EST
The item server is not on the client end, as it affected many people, it affected both our team and your team. A broken server means no game... This is seemingly very unsportsmanlike conduct as we've requested reasons as to why you can't reschedule and players on my team have said that some of your players were being rude to ours.

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 10:50 PM EST
The Item Server issues never affected us.

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 10:54 PM EST
As well, the server was previously used for a scrim. The team never had any issues with the Item Server, this was purely an issue on your end. As for the toxicity, our teams interactions in game chat were only along the lines of "Where is your 9th?" or "Ready up or FFW."
To reiterate, you never had 9 players in the server at the same time and we were ready the entire time from 9:35 to 10:30. We also mentioned in game chat that we were ready to play.

Cats - RIT W
 03/07/2022 10:56 PM EST
"help Amplify: does anyone else not have items 7:51
help Amplify: like loadout error 7:54"

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/07/2022 10:58 PM EST
That was taken out of context. He was trying to help you figure out what the issue is and what a potential fix could be.

Cats Auto Generated - RIT W
 03/08/2022 07:58 PM EST
Proposed rescheduled match date of Thursday, March 10th, 2022 09:30 PM EST

Lem Mem Auto Generated - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/08/2022 10:04 PM EST
REJECTED match date of Thursday, March 10th, 2022 09:30 PM EST

Lem Mem Auto Generated - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/08/2022 10:05 PM EST
Proposed rescheduled match date of Friday, March 11th, 2022 09:30 PM EST

Cats Auto Generated - RIT W
 03/10/2022 01:17 AM EST
Accepted match date of Friday, March 11th, 2022 09:30 PM EST

Lem Mem Auto Generated - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/11/2022 10:01 PM EST
Match score submitted.
Final score
Stuck in Ninja's Basement: 3.00
RIT W: 0.00

Map Results
Stuck in Ninja's Basement: 4
RIT W: 0

Lem Mem - Stuck in Ninja's Basement
 03/11/2022 10:03 PM EST