- Interested in helping out RGL and being a part of the staff team? Open staff positions and applications for SUMMER 2024 can be viewed here.

- Rosters lock for Adv, Main, IM, AM, and NC in on July 7th @ 11:59PM EDT!

Please report your match score

HL Season 10 pl_vigil_rc7

Match Date
09/22/2021 09:30 PM EDT
Default Date
09/20/2021 09:30 PM EDT
Latest Reschedule Date
09/24/2021 11:59 PM EDT

Home 0.00
Away 3.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
 09/19/2021 12:07 PM EDT
Welcome to RGL HL Season 10. The map played this week will be pl_vigil_rc7. The config you will want to use for your match will be "exec rgl_hl_stopwatch".

This match will be played in a best of three, so the first team to win two full halves will win the match. A half consists of attacking (blue) and defending (red). If there are disputes between teams on starting sides(RED vs. BLU), then teams may opt-in to engage in a medic melee-only fight.

It is both team's responsibility to make sure the server you play on has the latest configs and plugins in order to avoid issues. Serveme and Qixalite always have the latest configs and plugins.

Please use this space to record any ringers as per 1009.4 - Ringers. Match comms are the official record of any communication between teams in disputes.

Good luck and have fun this week, please open a ticket in Discord if you have any questions!

Kona Auto Generated - Bikini Bottom
 09/19/2021 01:16 PM EDT
Proposed rescheduled match date of Tuesday, September 21st, 2021 09:30 PM EDT

Kona - Bikini Bottom
 09/19/2021 01:17 PM EDT
Hey guys!! Tuesday is like the only day we can play on because we are down 4-5 on monday, super sorry < 3

Nica102us - Optimal Whips
 09/19/2021 02:53 PM EDT
I am confirming with the team if they can make Tuesday. So far so good. We will confirm or reject the schedule by today. In the event that Tuesday doesn't work for us, is there really *no* day other than Tuesday that works for your team? We would probably be willing to go all the way to Friday/the weekend this week if need be.

Kona - Bikini Bottom
 09/19/2021 03:19 PM EDT
all the way to friday would probably work for us maybe? but tuesday is when i know everyone will be there, and earlier will be better anyway :p

GeoZach Auto Generated - Optimal Whips
 09/19/2021 08:43 PM EDT
Accepted match date of Tuesday, September 21st, 2021 09:30 PM EDT

jbt - Bikini Bottom
 09/20/2021 12:41 AM EDT
also gonna need a soldier ring not sure who no matter what day it is

Nica102us - Optimal Whips
 09/21/2021 03:13 PM EDT
We are ringing Zee! (his Discord username) on Scout for our match. Here is his RGL page: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198178638591&r=24

Kona - Bikini Bottom
 09/21/2021 06:56 PM EDT
https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198398383076 CANT FIND ANYOEN!!! SOLDIER RIMGER!! (is also rostered but not accepted yet)

Nica102us - Optimal Whips
 09/21/2021 07:54 PM EDT
We await your decision on our Scout ringer. Can we get any more info on the Soldier? They have a lot of seasons from myriad competitive modes, and they were on a team that won Advanced Highlander. Because they have not been accepted yet, and with them having performed at that level, we are going to need more info.

Kona - Bikini Bottom
 09/21/2021 08:53 PM EDT

Kona - Bikini Bottom
 09/21/2021 08:54 PM EDT
our soldier is proflyer

GeoZach - Optimal Whips
 09/21/2021 08:58 PM EDT
Proflyer is approved for Soldier.

Kona Auto Generated - Bikini Bottom
 09/21/2021 09:04 PM EDT
Proposed rescheduled match date of Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021 09:30 PM EDT

GeoZach Auto Generated - Optimal Whips
 09/21/2021 09:22 PM EDT
Accepted match date of Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021 09:30 PM EDT

Nica102us - Optimal Whips
 09/21/2021 09:59 PM EDT
We are still ringing Zee! (his Discord username) on Scout for our match. Here is his RGL page: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198178638591&r=24

Kona - Bikini Bottom
 09/22/2021 09:37 PM EDT
approved !!!!

GeoZach Auto Generated - Optimal Whips
 09/22/2021 10:14 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
Open Jail: 3.0
Optimal Whips: 0.0

Map Results
Open Jail: 2
Optimal Whips: 0