Sixes Cup #1 Round 4 - cp_sunshine

Match Date
01/09/2021 09:45 PM EST
Default Date
01/09/2021 09:45 PM EST


Match Comms


Last Comment:
exa Admin
 01/09/2021 09:49 PM EST
Welcome to Round 4. The map played in round four will be cp_sunshine. The config you will want to use for your match will be " rgl_6s_5cp_scrim ". 5cp Maps will be played first to 5 wins or 30 minutes. Teams are expected to start this match right as soon as the matches go live.
Once you finish the map, please report your score. This is the last match of the night unless there is a tie.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me directly over on Discord.
My Discord ID is exa#0080.
Please message me directly on Discord instead of creating a support ticket.

Kitt(eh) - Wingers
 01/09/2021 09:51 PM EST
connect; password kittyissexy

Kitt(eh) Auto Generated - Wingers
 01/09/2021 10:58 PM EST
Match score submitted.
Final score
Wingers: 0.50
Sayonara: 2.50

Map Results
Wingers: 1
Sayonara: 3