- Interested in helping out RGL and being a part of the staff team? Open staff positions and applications for SUMMER 2024 can be viewed here.

- Rosters lock for Adv, Main, IM, AM, and NC in on July 7th @ 11:59PM EDT!

Top RGL Team Earnings
By Player

Rank Name Total
1435th DrZoidy $126
1435th Rhythm $126
1435th gtfu $126
1435th fishee $126
1435th MEECH $126
1435th Autumn $126
1435th bunny $126
1458th Bliztank $125
1458th q!k.vanilla $125
1458th q!k.blaze $125
1458th kenneth $125
1458th piggies $125
1458th q!k.N1CK $125
1458th boomawrangler $125
1458th q!k.chu $125
1458th q!k.goldfeyesh $125
1458th Uber Alles $125
1468th Red $123
1468th Mancra $123
1468th blurrby $123
1468th k1ng $123
1468th rasmus $123
1468th WaitHoldOn $123
1474th Hentai Jesus $120
1474th WALMARTIAN $120