
(ICE) RGL On Ice (2 - 2) (0 - 1)

Previous Active Roster
As of 1/10/2021

Valid Size: 0/8

Team Size: 8/12

Status: Ready

  Name Joined
ragu 12/7/2020
yosemit3 12/7/2020
cort 12/7/2020
Aroo 12/7/2020
Dsquared2 12/7/2020
virgil 12/16/2020
MKE 12/7/2020
rose 12/7/2020

Past Roster

  Name Joined Left
DropKnock 12/7/2020 12/15/2020
TFCC 64 12/13/2020 12/16/2020

Team Penalties

Team has no penalties

Past Seasons

Team does not have past seasons

TeamId: 7655