
(8790) puscrim (2 - 0)

Previous Active Roster
As of 5/23/2024

Valid Size: 0/10

Team Size: 10/12

Status: Dead

  Name Joined
greg club 4/30/2024
fist 4/30/2024
KamiBLM 5/6/2024
malarkeyman 4/22/2024
Sunshine 4/22/2024
2x4 5/20/2024
skunk 5/20/2024
merc64 4/22/2024
cookiegenius2398 4/30/2024
find lofi 5/1/2024
Join Team



Match Map(s) Match Date Team Points Against
IM/Main Week 1A 05/21/2024 10:30 PM EDT 5 - 1
IM/Main Week 1B 05/22/2024 10:30 PM EDT 5 - 0

Past Roster

  Name Joined Left
find lofi 4/26/2024 5/1/2024
Pops8790 4/22/2024 5/8/2024
The Clown 4/22/2024 5/14/2024

Team Penalties

Type When Why Points Against
MINOR 6/2/2024 Violation of [1008.5] - POV Demos - Failure to Submit Demos in Week 1A (1st Offense) 0.00
MINOR 6/2/2024 Violation of [1008.5] - POV Demos - Failure to Submit Demos in Week 1B (2nd Offense) 0.00

Past Seasons

Team does not have past seasons

TeamId: 12570