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Sixes S10 Playoffs Round 2

Match Date
12/08/2022 10:30 PM EST
Default Date
12/08/2022 10:30 PM EST

Home 3

Match Comms


Last Comment:
heks Admin
 12/07/2022 01:06 AM EST
Welcome to playoffs!

This match will be played as a best of three maps. Map selection will be done in match comms by the pick/ban process outlined below.

Matches will use the same configs as the regular season. If you are unsure which to use, or how to set up a server, please refer to our 6s Match FAQ.

Happi go Lucki will choose to be team A or team B. Map pick/bans will be done in match comms. The bans must be completed 36 hours before the match. All maps are played in full.

The pick/ban format is as follows -
A Bans | B Bans | A Picks | B Picks | A Bans | B Bans | A Picks and list maps

After A picks the last map, please list the 3 maps in the order played in match comms.

Available maps are:
pick/ban divisions only - cp_villa_b19, cp_sultry_b6a
alternative 5cp map option (IM and Main only) - cp_reckoner_rc6


gnome - dudley
 12/07/2022 05:26 PM EST
maps are product - process - metalworks, did map picks in dms

gnome - dudley
 12/09/2022 01:15 AM EST
4-0 lucki product, 5-3 dudley process, 5-2 lucki metalworks
gl in grands