Interested in helping out RGL and being a part of the staff team? Open staff positions and applications for SUMMER 2024 can be viewed here. The 6s Staff team is looking for someone interested in joining as an admin or moderator!

Discord Tag


Total RGL Team Earnings


2 2 0

Sixes - RGL - NA Sixes

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes S15 Admin Placement Global Clan / 0 (0 - 0) 4/30/2024
Sixes S14 Invite MAGA County 4 / 7 (5 - 6) (2 - 1) 1/27/2024 4/19/2024
Sixes S14 Invite Anglerfish 7 / 7 (1 - 2) (1 - 8) 12/28/2023 1/27/2024
Sixes S13 Invite The Government 7 / 8 (1 - 9) 9/5/2023 12/15/2023
Sixes S12 Advanced The Goblin Zone 2 / 15 (14 - 8) (1 - 1) 5/20/2023 8/18/2023
Sixes S11 Advanced Happi go Lucki 6 / 11 (3 - 5) (4 - 4) $240.00 2/28/2023 4/29/2023
Sixes S11 Invite THE GOBLINVITE ZONE 9 / 10 (2 - 7) (1 - 10) $310.00 1/13/2023 2/27/2023
Sixes S10 Advanced THE GOBLIN ZONE 2 4 / 12 (11 - 7) $285.00 9/2/2022 12/22/2022
Sixes S9 Advanced ravecord 9 / 18 (4 - 8) (2 - 2) 6/7/2022 8/20/2022
Sixes S9 Advanced The AGency 2 / 18 (3 - 0) (15 - 2) $315.00 5/24/2022 6/5/2022
Sixes S8 Advanced vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 8 / 12 (7 - 9) $279.00 1/25/2022 4/29/2022
Sixes S7 Advanced Big Beautiful Women 12 / 13 (5 - 11) 8/17/2021 12/19/2021
Sixes S6 Advanced 8 / 19 (2 - 3) (7 - 5) $360.00 6/26/2021 8/15/2021
Sixes S6 Main wah! 29 / 26 (5 - 7) (1 - 3) 5/3/2021 6/27/2021
Sixes S5 Main DerpGaming LLC 10 / 23 (2 - 2) (7 - 5) 3/7/2021 4/23/2021
Sixes S5 Main ShawtyBendBackLiketheMatrix 16 / 23 (1 - 4) (6 - 5) 2/18/2021 3/7/2021
Sixes S5 Main Big Dog Big Nuts 15 / 23 (5 - 2) (2 - 7) 1/23/2021 2/18/2021
Sixes S4 Main Gorilla Grip Pu$$y 10 / 18 (8 - 7) (0 - 1) 9/23/2020 12/18/2020

Prolander - RGL - NA Prolander

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
P7 Season 10 Advanced Sweaty Spaghetti Academy 6 / 0 (0 - 5) 2/3/2022 3/26/2022
P7 Season 9 Advanced-B CARTNITES IN QUEBEC 1 / 7 (4 - 1) (2 - 0) 5/2/2021 6/9/2021

Sixes - RGL - NA 6v6 Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes Cup #1 Main DerpGaming LLC 5 / 20 (3 - 3) 12/31/2020 1/11/2021

Sixes - RGL - NA Sixes Midseason Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes Midseason Cup #2 Invite Anglerfish 2 / 5 (5 - 3) 11/4/2022 11/14/2022

Sixes - RGL - NA Sixes Experimental Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes Exp #3 Group A Hubert's Fishy Friends 1 / 4 (3 - 0) (3 - 0) 1/14/2024 1/15/2024

Discipline History

4/3/2023 4/17/2023 Use of a homophobic slur during an RGL match.