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RGL Conduct Survey #4, RGL Global Rule Edits, and 2021 February Bans

   exa   - 3/14/2021
Past articles:

RGL Conduct Survey #4

We want to continue to improve and refine our ruleset by ensuring edge cases are addressed appropriately and our rules take community sentiment into account. As such, we want to listen to our community's opinions as to what they believe is appropriate. In the above survey, there are questions about conduct that we want feedback on.


What is the purpose of [1010.2.5] - Casting the same match as RGLgg?

- Addressing limited STV slots & lag with STV

  • To help mitigate possible DDoS attacks with STV information being leaked
  • To avoid the server being affected performance-wise (increase in CPU usage due to number of users in STV)
  • To avoid an STV slot being taken away from the production team (either from trying to connect or reconnect)

- Secondary considerations

  • Promoting coverage of more Invite matches happening during the same day and time (rather than having multiple coverages of the same game)
  • The last tangible benefit pertains to sponsors and their specific outlook on the viewership numbers themselves. Sponsors simply do not care about multiple other streams covering the same match, even if collectively, the viewership is a high number. They are looking at the viewership itself for the one stream as a whole. RGL is still in talks with different sponsors and selling the brand becomes difficult for this specific reason. It should be noted that we are not making any money from the sponsor money.

Why are SourceTV relays not used anymore?

  • SourceTV relays in TF2 have an in-game bug that causes the relay to stutter and lag for all individuals present in the relay.

Testing will be done again on different servers to see if the issue is still prevalent today.

FAQ & Reminders

We added a FAQ for our misconduct reports, which you can find here.

Our Guides team has launched their first set of guides, which you can find here!

Global Rule Edits

[1006.1] - Team Names, Tags, and Avatars has been updated to include an exception for sponsored teams.

[1003.1] - Cheating has been updated to bring the length of VAC bans to be inline of a cheating ban.

[1007.2.3] - Fraud has been updated to clarify the impersonation guidelines in the fraud section.

[1008.7.1] - Match Forfeits has been updated to include a clarification on when the other team would receive full match points.

[1006.3.1] - Roster Transactions has been updated to reflect the other global rules with team sizes (i.e. out of the region or probation players are limited to three a team respectively).


These bans were enacted before the release of this article. If you would like to file a report, you can do so on our site here. Appeals can also be found on the same page.

NOTE: We only look at user-submitted reports. If you do not file a report, then there is a good chance that we have not seen it and are unable to deal with the situation.


The following players have been caught cheating by the RGL Anti-cheat team and will be banned:

  • DooIE - 2-Years / First cheating offense
  • DeLichte - 2-Years / First cheating offense
  • NixTag - 2-Years / First cheating offense
  • styx - 2-Years / First cheating offense
  • Zuz - 2-Years / First cheating offense
  • Gabino - Permanent / Second cheating offense

Ban Evasion / Alting

The following player evaded their ban by attempting to register their account onto a team in RGL, while their main account is actively serving a league ban.

The following account will be banned for being an alternate account to josh:

The following player knowingly supported the above alt account in evading their ban and will be banned for 6-months:


The following alternate accounts have been caught connected to existing accounts in RGL by the RGL Anti-cheat team and will be banned:


The following players have been banned and placed on probation:

  • Unknown - Minimum 6-months - Continued player harassment; death threats
  • Nino - Minimum 1-year - Harassment; transphobic flaming and death threats directed at a user. (Second ban inside of RGL)

After the minimum period has been served, the players can appeal to have the ban lifted if they can show that they've improved themselves and how they interact within the community.


Sportsmanship and Spirit

The following players have/had been suspended for 1-6 weeks for their usage of racist slurs, homophobic or transphobic language, excessive toxicity and flaming, or derogatory language on our platforms. Repeat offenders will get longer ban lengths.

  • Nino - Use of racist comments during a scrim. - 2-weeks / First Offense
  • red yoshi - Use of a homophobic slur on an RGL platform. - 2-weeks / First Offense
  • jest - Use of racial slurs during a scrim. - 2-weeks / First Offense
  • gaming scout - Use of hate speech on a weapon during a scrim. - 2-weeks / First Offense
  • Corwin -Excessive usage of racial slurs during a scrim. - 4-weeks / First Offense
  • v_nvt - Use of weapon(s) with anti-Semitic names during a scrim. - 4-weeks / Second Offense


The following players have failed to provide a requested demo. The first offense during the regular season will be a warning. A second offense during the regular season or the first offense during playoffs will lead to suspensions.

  • RandomCookie - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • asher - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • indi - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • norphel03 - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Tom Servo - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • wonder - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • go player - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • milky - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Korone - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • lcrtv - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • local - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • stutter - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Ice - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • oz - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • brian - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Thane - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Tr4nce - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • prc - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • rain flush - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • recess :3 - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • fishee - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Derg - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Heavya - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Conceal - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Insight - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Creamer - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • eags - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • satan goobah - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Nick? - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • 1G.Refreshing - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • jsuu - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Fresh - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • temrane - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • hog ascension - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Assterisk - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Yosephus - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • yate - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • ambroon - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • mip - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • autotuned krispy kreme - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • J Hondo - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Jaya - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • Bluff - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
  • stjson - Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense


The following account has been banned for having VAC bans that may be affecting TF2. If you have a VAC ban for a game that is not TF2, please contact an admin to get the ban removed.

You can read further details and context about each of the player's bans by viewing their discipline history on their RGL profile.

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