
(FA) Free Agent - Main

Previous Active Roster
As of 4/10/2024

Valid Size: 0/25

Team Size: 25/18

Status: Not Ready

  Name Joined
aiden 1/22/2024
yimi 1/24/2024
Mikey_ 1/24/2024
hellraiser 1/26/2024
Clockwick 1/29/2024
yeye 1/30/2024
Kingor 2/1/2024
Crysto - Parsee Mizuhashi 2/1/2024
yo-yo god 2/3/2024
katt 2/6/2024
hobophobiccityplanner 2/10/2024
Sergeant Southwest Salad 2/11/2024
jill 2/12/2024
motion! 2/12/2024
Rikuus 2/12/2024
Vacket 2/12/2024
BKRandy 2/12/2024
Kaylus 2/13/2024
RainofLight 2/14/2024
Adena 2/16/2024
Jurgles 2/19/2024
Jellojiggler 2/26/2024
Coach hungnhandsome 3/3/2024
Olive 3/4/2024
drahyrt 3/22/2024



Match Map(s) Match Date Team Points Against

Schedule has not been set yet.

Past Roster

  Name Joined Left
reika 1/21/2024 1/21/2024
doritoguy52 1/24/2024 1/24/2024
jill 1/29/2024 1/29/2024
eminixx 2/3/2024 2/3/2024
Scrafted 2/3/2024 2/4/2024
FountainMann 2/5/2024 2/10/2024
Rays 1/29/2024 2/15/2024
Scrafted 2/25/2024 2/25/2024
redacted 3/3/2024 3/4/2024
rageheavy 3/2/2024 3/4/2024

Team Penalties

Team has no penalties

Past Seasons

Team does not have past seasons

TeamId: 11986