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Total RGL Team Earnings


5 3 1

Sixes - RGL - NA Sixes

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes S12 Main tara resume 1 / 15 (17 - 2) 5/13/2023 8/19/2023
Sixes S10 Main nug hub 9 / 18 (1 - 0) (8 - 7) 10/24/2022 10/27/2022
Sixes S7 Advanced registered nurses 99 / 13 (0 - 2) (0 - 2) 9/11/2021 9/28/2021
Sixes S6 Advanced Chicago Kids 22 / 19 (0 - 2) (2 - 4) 5/31/2021 6/10/2021
Sixes S6 Advanced Chicago Kids 22 / 19 (2 - 2) (0 - 4) 5/11/2021 5/28/2021
Sixes S5 Main Phantom Troupe 3 / 23 (8 - 2) (6 - 3) $210.00 2/25/2021 4/24/2021
Sixes S5 Main Phantom Troupe 3 / 23 (0 - 1) (14 - 4) $210.00 2/23/2021 2/24/2021
Sixes S5 Main Phantom Troupe 3 / 23 (6 - 2) (8 - 3) $210.00 1/15/2021 2/22/2021
Sixes S4 Main PERUTECH 5 / 18 (4 - 1) (8 - 4) $156.00 11/2/2020 12/19/2020
Sixes S4 Main PERUTECH 5 / 18 (2 - 1) (10 - 4) $156.00 10/9/2020 10/16/2020
Sixes S4 Main akatsuki 23 / 18 (3 - 2) (0 - 1) 9/3/2020 10/7/2020
Sixes S3 Intermediate rolling90halalcrips 2 / 34 (17 - 3) $156.00 5/7/2020 8/21/2020
Sixes S2 Intermediate 60deathchallenge ~ 4 / 18 (10 - 1) (6 - 2) $70.00 1/15/2020 2/21/2020
Sixes S1 Intermediate Pugs not Drugs 5 / 16 (9 - 4) (3 - 1) $90.00 8/17/2019 10/2/2019

Highlander - RGL - NA Highlander

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
HL Season 15 Advanced BobaTech 4 / 8 (1 - 0) (4 - 4) 4/20/2023 6/6/2023
HL Season 13 Advanced Thomas Gaming League 6 / 8 (4 - 2) (0 - 1) 9/1/2022 11/8/2022
HL Season 6 Intermediate urmphitank sleep schedule 22 / 19 (3 - 2) 6/12/2020 7/14/2020
HL Season 5 Intermediate Government Mandated Miniskirts 4 / 14 (2 - 3) (3 - 2) 3/15/2020 4/14/2020
HL Season 5 Intermediate Government Mandated Miniskirts 4 / 14 (3 - 2) (2 - 3) 1/13/2020 3/15/2020
HL Season 4 Main Aureus 7 / 10 (1 - 1) (2 - 3) 11/6/2019 12/18/2019
HL Season 3 Intermediate Tilt Breakers 5 / 14 (2 - 2) (3 - 1) 7/2/2019 8/13/2019
HL Season 3 Amateur Luka Fanclub 25 / 21 (1 - 1) 5/26/2019 7/2/2019
HL Season 1 Dead Teams Farmers Only / 51 (1 - 3) 9/3/2018 12/5/2018

Prolander - RGL - NA Prolander

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
P7 Season 9 Main-C Verified Baiters 2 / 5 (4 - 2) (1 - 0) 4/27/2021 6/10/2021
P7 Season 8 Advanced IN IT FOR THE BADGE 12 / 10 (0 - 3) 4/20/2020 5/5/2020
P7 Season 7 Intermediate bana 7 / 11 (1 - 4) (1 - 0) 8/20/2019 10/19/2019
P7 Season 4 Amateur Poverty 99 / 7 (1 - 3) 5/30/2018 8/22/2018

NR Sixes - RGL - NA No Restriction Sixes

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
NR Sixes S2 Advanced blu / 4 (1 - 3) (2 - 0) 3/25/2020 4/5/2020

Highlander - RGL - NA Highlander Experimental Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
HL Exp #4 Main-3 kiji's cate enthusiasts 1 / 0 (3 - 0) 5/22/2021 5/26/2021
HL Exp #3 Intermediate-3 halfs 4 team (+5) 2 / 4 (2 - 1) (0 - 1) 5/5/2020 5/25/2020
HL Exp #1 Amateur-B Yikers 1 / 4 (3 - 0) 12/4/2018 12/19/2018

Prolander - RGL - NA Prolander Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Prolander Cup #5 RGL-Div 4 blakesports :D 1 / 0 (5 - 0) 9/20/2020 9/30/2020

Sixes - RGL - yomps' Family Fundraiser

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
July 25th IM 1 promised land 1 / 15 (6 - 0) (1 - 0) 7/23/2020 7/26/2020

Sixes - RGL - NA 6v6 Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes Cup #1 Main crodies 9 / 20 (2 - 3) 12/21/2020 1/12/2021

Discipline History

1/17/2020 2/3/2020 Use of racial slurs and teams general excessive toxicity during an RGL scrim (2 week ban)
11/20/2022 11/27/2022 Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense