Discord Tag

Secretly Satan

Not Rostered

Total RGL Team Earnings


4 2 1

Player is under probation

This player is currently under probation. This means that any punishment from the league will result in more severe consequences.
If you've received any harassment, threats, etc... from this player recently in or outside of RGL. You may report them here.

Highlander - RGL - NA Highlander

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
HL Season 15 Advanced my spy is in steam debt 1 / 8 (9 - 2) (1 - 0) 5/18/2023 8/15/2023
HL Season 12 Main yippee!!!! 8 / 16 (3 - 5) 5/28/2022 8/31/2022
HL Season 12 Main Seductive 9 98 / 16 (1 - 2) (0 - 1) 5/6/2022 5/28/2022
HL Season 11 Main 2070 Paradigm Shift: 2 5 / 13 (4 - 4) 12/22/2021 4/27/2022
HL Season 6 Advanced Single Drop 1 / 8 (8 - 2) 6/9/2020 8/26/2020
HL Season 5 Invite Sweatshop Sadface :( 7 / 8 (1 - 3) (4 - 2) 3/1/2020 4/21/2020
HL Season 5 Advanced Oprah Winfrey Network 7 / 10 (1 - 0) (3 - 3) 2/18/2020 3/1/2020
HL Season 5 Advanced Team Fortress 2 15 / 10 (0 - 1) (0 - 1) 2/16/2020 2/18/2020
HL Season 5 Advanced Team Fortress 2 15 / 10 (0 - 1) (0 - 1) 1/13/2020 2/14/2020
HL Season 4 Advanced Oprah Winfrey Network 5 / 9 (4 - 3) 9/17/2019 12/18/2019
HL Season 3 Main Oprah Winfrey Network 2 / 9 (5 - 1) (4 - 0) 7/1/2019 8/13/2019
HL Season 3 Main Luigi's REAL Italian Ice 14 / 9 (1 - 3) 4/13/2019 6/25/2019
HL Season 1 Intermediate 404 Players Not Found 5 / 15 (7 - 3) 9/10/2018 12/1/2018

Sixes - RGL - NA Sixes

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes S1 Amateur Prime POLYGANG 11 / 12 (2 - 5) (1 - 0) 8/30/2019 11/20/2019

Prolander - RGL - NA Prolander

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
P7 Season 9 Advanced-A bald b4nny 1 / 6 (5 - 0) (2 - 0) 4/27/2021 6/10/2021

NR Sixes - RGL - NA No Restriction Sixes

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
NR Sixes S2 Advanced Awooga HOT Lady 2 / 4 (4 - 5) 3/3/2020 5/15/2020
NR Sixes S1 Advanced longerboys 3 / 10 (3 - 2) (2 - 0) 3/21/2019 4/25/2019

Highlander - RGL - NA Highlander Experimental Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
HL Exp #5 Advanced-1 i have hired this bird 4 / 4 (0 - 6) 9/7/2022 9/14/2022
HL Exp #2 Advanced Dannon Light&Fit Yogurt Pack 6 / 6 (0 - 3) 3/30/2019 4/29/2019
HL Exp #1 Div-5 Hokage Thot Patrol 1 / 4 (3 - 0) 12/14/2018 12/19/2018

Prolander - RGL - NA Prolander Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Prolander Cup #2 Div-2 of 4 idksomegarbage 5 / 8 (1 - 2) 5/19/2018 5/22/2018

Sixes - RGL - NA Sixes Experimental Cup

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
Sixes Exp #1 Div-2 of 6 soup express 7 / 7 (1 - 3) 12/14/2019 12/17/2019

Sixes - RGL - yomps' Family Fundraiser

SeasonDivTeamEnd RankRecord
Amt WonJoinedLeft
July 25th Div-2 moon hexers 5 / 11 (3 - 3) (1 - 0) 7/23/2020 7/26/2020

Discipline History

12/22/2018 3/21/2019 Assisting a player with ban evasion - http://hl.rgl.gg/Public/Articles/Default.aspx?a=1166
3/21/2020 4/21/2020 Ban evasion on a RGL Platform
4/21/2020 6/2/2020 Use of racist language during a scrim (increased due to recent bans, as well as being an Invite player)
7/31/2020 1/18/2021 Use of racial slur on RGL forums and transphobic comment during scrim.

After the minimum period has elapsed (4-months), the player can appeal to have their ban lifted, provided they can show that they've changed as a player and how they interact in the community.
3/21/2022 3/21/2022 Failure to Submit Demos: 1st Offense
7/17/2022 8/14/2022 - Failure to Submit Demos: 2nd Offense
- Passing off a wrong demo as their own POV in a fraud attempt