Player Ban List

SteamId Name Division Current Team Ban Expiration Reason
Use of a racial slur during a scrim. Offseason ban delayed for the start of Sixes Season 15.
Making unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks towards RGL player(s). Offseason ban delayed for the start of RGL Highlander Season 18.

They have been put on an indefinite ban with a minimum sentence of 3 months from the start date of this ban. After the time has elapsed, they can appeal to have their ban lifted, provided they can show that they've changed as a member of this community.
Leaking private information regarding RGL players as an admin.

They have been put on an indefinite ban with a minimum sentence of 8 months from the start date of this ban. After the time has elapsed, they can appeal to have their ban lifted, provided they can show that they've changed as a member of this community.
Cheating - First and Second Offense
Harassment and threat of doxxing of player(s) in the community.

Offseason ban delayed for the start of RGL Sixes Season 15.
Failure to submit demos - Automatic 2nd offense (Offense occurred in a playoff match, see [1008.5] - POV and STV Demos).

Offseason ban delayed for the start of Sixes Season 15.
Failure to submit demos - Automatic 2nd offense (Offense occurred in a playoff match, see [1008.5] - POV and STV Demos).
Alt account