4v4 PASS Time Cup #2 Playoffs 1 - Round 1

Match Date
04/06/2024 07:00 PM EDT
Default Date
04/06/2024 07:00 PM EDT

Home 0.50
Away 2.50

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Garbo Admin
 04/05/2024 03:34 AM EDT
Welcome to the 4v4 PASS Time Series Cup #2 playoffs!

The home team Cul-de-sac Streetball will choose to be team A or team B. Map pick bans will be done in match comms.

The pick/ban order will be as follows-
A Bans | B Bans | B Picks | A Picks | A Bans | B Picks

Available maps are:


You will be playing to first to 2 rounds, or a best of 3 on each map.

The config used for this match will be rgl_pt_push.cfg.

If you have further questions or need a server to play on, please reach out on discord!

MoneyManSam - Cul-de-sac Streetball
 04/05/2024 08:03 PM EDT
Choosing A
Ban Arena

ward - The Splash Brothers
 04/05/2024 08:05 PM EDT
Ban greenhouse

ward - The Splash Brothers
 04/05/2024 08:06 PM EDT
Pick Stoneworks

MoneyManSam - Cul-de-sac Streetball
 04/05/2024 08:10 PM EDT
Pick Stadium
Ban Colosseum

ward - The Splash Brothers
 04/05/2024 08:14 PM EDT
Pick ufo

ward - The Splash Brothers
 04/06/2024 06:51 PM EDT

MoneyManSam - Cul-de-sac Streetball
 04/06/2024 06:52 PM EDT

MoneyManSam Auto Generated - Cul-de-sac Streetball
 04/06/2024 07:58 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
Cul-de-sac Streetball: 0.5
The Splash Brothers: 2.5

Map Results
Cul-de-sac Streetball: 1
The Splash Brothers: 2

Cul-de-sac Streetball: 0
The Splash Brothers: 2

MoneyManSam - Cul-de-sac Streetball
 04/06/2024 07:58 PM EDT