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Please report your match score

HL Season 9 koth_ashville_rc2c

Match Date
06/14/2021 09:30 PM EDT
Default Date
06/14/2021 09:30 PM EDT
Latest Reschedule Date
06/18/2021 11:59 PM EDT

Home 0.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
 06/09/2021 02:11 AM EDT
Welcome to RGL HL Season 9. The map played this week will be koth_ashville_rc2c. The config you will want to use for your match will be "exec rgl_hl_koth". For scrims, you can use "rgl_hl_koth_bo5", which sets the winlimit to 3. This match will be played in a best of seven, so the first team to win four rounds will win the match. If there are disputes between teams on starting sides(RED vs. BLU), then teams may opt-in to engage in a medic melee-only fight.

Please remember that every match server is required to have the Uber Saving medic plugin & the latest configs, it is both team's responsibility to make sure the server you play on has the latest configs and plugins in order to avoid issues. Serveme and Qixalite always have the latest configs and plugins.

Lastly, please make sure you inform the enemy team of all ringers you plan to use either through match comms or in a direct message. Refer to the ringer sections here for more information.

Dont forget to record your POV demos! For the first offense, its only a warning but during playoffs you will be suspended for not submitting your POV demos.

Good luck and have fun this week, please let your division admin or moderator know if you have any questions!

Sunnyy - Broken Mice
 06/14/2021 09:33 PM EDT
can you send connect on discord?

mk - Vorpal Swords
 06/14/2021 09:37 PM EDT

mk - Vorpal Swords
 06/14/2021 09:38 PM EDT

Sunnyy - Broken Mice
 06/14/2021 09:38 PM EDT

Sunnyy - Broken Mice
 06/14/2021 09:40 PM EDT
approved both btw, should of made that clear my b

Sunnyy - Broken Mice
 06/14/2021 09:41 PM EDT
how long will connect info be? I can get a server if needed

Sunnyy Auto Generated - Broken Mice
 06/14/2021 10:13 PM EDT
Match score submitted.
Final score
Vorpal Swords: 0.00
Broken Mice: 3.00

Map Results
Vorpal Swords: 0
Broken Mice: 4