The basics of this idea comes down to, "treat others like you want to be treated." You want to be treated with respect,
fairness, and thoughtfulness. You should treat others with the same. This isn’t something that is automatic.
To keep this in mind during a close match, to handle yourself under pressure, to keep your temper, and keep good
Spirit is not always an easy thing, but it is important. Every moment you choose to take the high road helps put one more brick in the path to becoming a better community.
It’s important that we stand together and don’t let our ugliest voices also become our loudest. To rest on the idea,
"Well every other online community is toxic, therefore we can be toxic too," is simply not something I can stand behind
and neither should you. This isn’t to say that you can’t heckle or have some good natured trash talk, but you must be
mindful that there is a line between playful and asshole. To use the excuse that “others should just have thicker skin” is just that, an excuse for someone to have poor Spirit.
People will notice when you do the right thing and when you treat others with respect. Don’t be afraid to praise
others for their good plays, because impressions last. With all this, the entire point is to have fun. Creating a
good natured environment around a great game can create some amazing moments.