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RGL Winter Staff Updates, Offseason Rule Updates and December 2022 Bans

   exa   - 1/12/2023
Past monthly articles: January, February, March, April & May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Staff Updates

  • Scream and Jamillia will be a new addition to the 6s team.
  • Garbo will be a new addition to the Highlander team.

The updated staff list is as follows:


Head Admin - virgil

Division Admins:

Division Moderators:


Head Admin - Constantly

Division Admins:

Division Moderators:

Global Rule Updates

[1009.1] - Rostered Player Match Eligibility is not adding anything new but is being updated to make it clearer how the process of a player being fully rostered to participate in an RGL match works.

[2004.2] - Playoffs Map Pick/Bans & [3004.1] - Playoff Map Selection is being updated to make it clearer what the process is if a team remains unresponsive during pick/bans during playoffs.

[1006.2.5] - Sandbagging and Class Restrictions has been updated to introduce a maximum capacity of the number of class restrictions a roster may have.

[1008.17] - Playoffs is being updated to make it clearer how home/status is handled in single-elimination and double-elimination brackets.


These bans were enacted before the release of this article. If you would like to file a report, you can do so on our site here. Appeals can also be found on the same page.

NOTE: We only look at user-submitted reports. If you do not file a report, then there is a good chance we have not seen it and cannot deal with the situation.


The following player(s) have been caught cheating by the RGL Anti-cheat team and will be permanently banned:

  • ricky - 2 Years / First cheating offense

Account Sharing / Ban Evasion

The following player(s) evaded their league ban by participating in official matches through account sharing on an alternate account during the season and will be banned:

  • send - Min. 18-Months (Currently on probation)

The following account will be banned for assisting the above league banned player in league ban evasion by account sharing on an alternate account in official matches during the season:

  • Sol - 18-Months

The following player(s) knowingly supported permanently league-banned player(s) in account sharing and evading their permanent ban by playing in official matches during the season and will be banned:


The following player(s) attempted to register their alternate account in RGL.

The following alternate account(s) have been caught connected to existing accounts in RGL by the RGL Anti-cheat team and will be permanently banned:


The following account(s) have been banned for having VAC bans that may be affecting TF2. If you have a VAC ban for a game that is not TF2, please contact an admin to get the ban removed.

You can read further details and context about each player's bans by viewing their discipline history on their RGL profile.