P7 EU Season 4 Div-2 Semi Finals

Match Date
10/30/2019 08:00 PM CET
Default Date
10/30/2019 08:00 PM CET

Away 3.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Albert Admin
 10/24/2019 07:47 PM CEST
Welcome to round 2 of the losers bracket within playoffs,
The loser of this game will still have third place to be proud of, but the victor of this match will go to the finals!
Each playoff game will play as a Best of 3 map series. KOTH maps will be still be played to BO5 (first team to 3 round wins) but now stopwatch maps will be played BO3 (whoever gets the best time twice wins). The only exception to this is if stopwatch maps are selected as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd maps, in that particular case, if teams need to play that 3rd stopwatch map, its BO1.
The three maps will be selected from the maps which were played during the regular season.
Map selection is as follows Away bans, Home bans, Away picks, Home picks, Away bans, Home picks
ocean gang ()the slayers, you are the first to ban a map, what do you select? (Please state your choices with "we ban " or "we pick ")

Portarto - ESA Invite
 10/25/2019 04:19 PM CEST
buud buud:
we ban badwater

we ban borneo

buud buud:
we pick product
my class is starting ill return later
like in 1.5h

we pick coalplant

buud buud:
ok we ban upward

we pick warmtic

Portarto - ESA Invite
 10/25/2019 04:19 PM CEST
Maps: Product - Coalplant - Warmtic

buud - ocean gang ()the slayers
 10/27/2019 01:19 PM CET

Albert Admin
 10/29/2019 08:09 AM CET
Hello all,
Just writing here to say that, for the sake of balancing, Samii
(http://eu.rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198190939217) has agreed to the condition that he is forbidden to play Demoman.
If he breaks this pledge, his team will receive a default loss for the map.

Portarto - ESA Invite
 10/30/2019 12:49 PM CET

buud - ocean gang ()the slayers
 10/30/2019 05:34 PM CET
update: rigel stays as merc, http://eu.rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198168537318 plays instead of ivan though

buud Auto Generated - ocean gang ()the slayers
 10/30/2019 09:01 PM CET
Match score submitted.
Final score
ESA Invite: 0.00
ocean gang ()the slayers: 3.00

Map Results
ESA Invite: 0
ocean gang ()the slayers: 3

ESA Invite: 0
ocean gang ()the slayers: 3

buud - ocean gang ()the slayers
 10/30/2019 09:04 PM CET
http://logs.tf/2403561#76561198096570937 product
on coalplant there was aproblem where 2 of ESA's players timed out and 3 of our players timed out, we paused to see what's up then unpaused with permission (http://prntscr.com/pqbjyn) context not shown, we unpaused to see if player's could reconnect, but when they couldn't we decided not to let them take free time on point and win the game 4v5. (was about 20 sec of gameplay)
proof screenshot - http://prntscr.com/pqbkoz