P7 Season 2 Rec Bot Finals

Match Date
11/30/2017 10:18 PM EST
Default Date
11/30/2017 10:18 PM EST

Home 2.00

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Yotts Head Admin
 11/19/2017 11:04 PM EST
Welcome to the last week of season two. For the final game, you will only be playing one map. The map will be picked from the maps played this season. Please have this finished by Monday night (11/27). The order goes AWAY ban, HOME ban, AWAY ban, HOME PICK. The five maps to choose from are: Upward, Badwater, Borneo, Product, Ashville. Bubble Blowing Double Babies , what is your first ban?

 11/22/2017 11:58 PM EST
First Ban; Ashville

 11/27/2017 04:12 PM EST
Ban badwater.

 11/30/2017 03:38 PM EST
We playin product. It's been a great season. Thank you all!