- Interested in helping out RGL and being a part of the staff team? Open staff positions and applications for SUMMER 2024 can be viewed here. HL needs an NC Mod.

Invite is now powered by MarketPlace.tf

   sigafoo   - 2/15/2019
For information around the league structure, bounty system, etc... Check out our in-depth announcement article here

We are very excited to announce that MarketPlace.tf is now an official sponsor of the RGL No Restriction Sixes league! They will now be powering our Invite division.

With this great news, Invite is now going to have a chance at a much larger prize pool. (Original Prizepool $600)

Current Prizepool: $2120 (up to $2360)
1st $800 | 2nd $600 | 3rd $300 | 4th $180 | 5th-8th $120

Max Number of Invite Teams: 8

It's that simple, the more teams we have competing for the top prize, the more money is up for grabs. We want to see as many team perspectives as we can. Remember in Invite, there are no strings in how to play to win this cash. You can play as traditional or as unique as you want. The only thing that matters is winning.

We look forward to the see if the traditional or experimental teams will come out on top in the top division. And as always, we're looking for feedback from all divisions about what you're experience was like and thoughts on the format.

If you want to donate money to this prize pool, you can! Go to paypal.me/RGLgg and leave a note that this is for this league. Your donation will be added to the stretch goals. If the stretch goals are not met, then the money will be used to help cover the bounties that all teams are eligible for.
